Monday, May 5, 2008

Welcome to Art School Boot Camp!

Hey there new recruits!

Yes, you are embarking on an epic journey...figuring out what art school to go to. The task is daunting. The pressure is on. The decision to even GO to an art school was hard enough. You have about as many choices as there are shades of green in a Pantone color wheel. (translation: a lot.) And art schools aren't cheap. It's enough to make you want to want to turn around and run the other direction, into the arms of a undeclared major at a state school (nothing wrong with that either though!)

Don't fear. I'm here to help you. I've been through it before. I know the ropes. I know the game. I'm here to be as honest as possible. My experience through the system was not easy, and neither will yours (unless you're the next Michelangelo - and EVEN THEN you will experience unparalleled resistance...more on this in a later post.) Take everything with a grain of salt - even what I say. Everyone's experience will be different, but no less life changing and wallet emptying.

Strap on your helmet, keep your feet dry and start marching, solider. Welcome to Art School Boot Camp.